Sri Lanka
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Recommended Last Updated: 04/09/2005

Things you must do

  1. Visit Candy up in the mountains and try to go when they are displaying the Bhudda's tooth.
  2. Go to an Elephant Orphanage and time it to be there when they are giving the Elephants their bath followed by feeding time (morning-ish)
  3. Visit a Tea Plantation and have a tour of the tea production process.
  4. Walk along the beachfront in Colombo


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  • Beach Wadiya, 2, Station Avenue, Wellawatte, Sri Lanka (T:588 568 - Proprietor: Olwyn Weerasekara). Great beach side restaurant with no trimmings but very very cheap lobster thermidor and well frequented by travelers to Colombo. The seating is right on the beach on a wodden table and chair. The menu is a plate with a fresh fish, lobster, crab and prawn. Make sure you ask to sign the visitors book and look through it, its a (111 bytes)

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  • none at present ~ they keep changing names :-)

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